
VMF Spiral Binding From The Local Copy Shop

Anytime I finish a project I like to generate my own print version. There will be Lulu (and hopefully Drivethru) POD versions of Villain Mission Force , but I never want to wait. And I am actually running my first VMF RPG session this weekend, so I need a table copy of the rules.  My local print shop, Copies On Carson here in Pittsburgh does great work. I elected to go with the parchment style paper because I love the texture and the look of it.  I love the way Jan & William's cover pops. Layout artist Todd Tuttle did a great job putting it all together. One of my fav ever William Caddell pieces.  Those silhouettes really pop! Now that I have my table copy, I need to get to work on my prep work for Saturday's game. More on that in the next post.  Thanks for reading!  --Scott

Corner Boxes and Floating Heads? You Bet!

 I am a sucker for corner boxes on comics, especially those populated by the floating heads of the characters from the comic. There are many reasons why I am a bigger Marvel fan than I am a DC fan, but Marvel's employment of corner boxes is certainly one of them! How cool are these two examples?  Classic Byrne FF! Byrne Avengers!  It's no surprise that most of my supers rule books over the last few years have featured corner boxes of our own. VMF is no different!  William H. Caddell crushed it on these heads! William made so many cool heads for this project that I had to feature more of them on the back cover. The computer console was the perfect vehicle for this.  Who doesn't want to go on a mission with Chi-Chimp?  What are your favorite corner boxes or floating heads? Sound off!  Thanks for reading!  --Scott

Villain Mission Force Unleashed!

Villain Mission Force: Solo / Co-Op Anti-Heroic Skirmish RPG  is now available in PDF! Get it here ! Here's the key info:  From nobody to nemesis?  Villain Mission Force (VMF) allows players to run a small team of low-level supervillains through a gauntlet of challenges that will make or break their villainous reps. Utilizing easy 2D6 mechanics, VMF’s multiple play modes include solo, co-op, PvP, or RPG. VMF offers rules for character origins and backgrounds, a versatile power system for varied character design, and a campaign system that will carry them from third-stringers to major threats. VMF also provides dozens of write-ups for foes that you can run using flexible, archetype-based mechanics. All you need to play are some figures from any manufacturer, a tape measure marked in inches, a handful of six-sided dice, around ten numbered chits or cards, and a suitable play area. Are you ready to build your team and join the infamous ranks of the VMF? Villainy awaits! Ch...

A Massive Project

 During the pandemic I amassed a gigantic collection of Heroclix miniatures--Marvel, DC, Indie, Horror, etc.  I ripped them off of their proprietary bases and rebased them using the following method:  Simple and effective, if a bit uninspired. It's basically resin sand, paint, and drybrush. Hundreds of figures in my collection are based this way.  When I started the VMF project, I found a small pack of Litko clear acrylic bases laying around from an abandoned project. I took some 'Clix I hadn't rebased yet, and I glued them on. I really liked it. For modern minis, and maybe even sci-fi, I think this is the way to go. For me anyway.  So I had to ask myself the hard question: do I rebase my entire collection? After delaying, I decided the answer was yes. So I placed a larger order with Litko, and had the means to begin within a week. They really are great. Buy stuff from them!  And so it indeed has begun!  Mostly heroes in this first batch. Villains are...

The True Story of Savage Sword

 No, not the B&W Conan magazine from the 1970s and 1980s. I do love that series, but that's a topic for another day. Today I want to talk about my buddy Stu's character that he just made for my Villain Mission Force campaign I will be starting on March 15.  Yes, VMF isn't just a skirmish game. You can run it as an RPG as well. It does require a bit of tweaking from the GM to do this, but not much, really. Anyway, Stu and his sister, Mel, both made their PCs via a Zoom meeting with me over the weekend. One of the things I love about VMF is that you can make your villain PC using random dice rolls applied to tables throughout Chapter 2.  Stu rolled up a Brawler, and when it came time to generate his name, he went random as well. Here's a shot of the page from VMF:  So Stu rolled a pair of 3s, generating the name "Savage Sword"--you have to love that alliteration!  For an Origin Stu rolled "Disgraced Industrialist," and Stu came up with the idea tha...

Stand Up And Be Countered

 As I continue to prep for my upcoming Villain Mission Force RPG / Skirmish campaign, I am working through my presentation methods.  Miniatures? Check. I will be using rebased and repainted Heroclix, SuperFigs (old and new), Crossover Miniatures , Supers Unlimited (from Kitbash Games ), and whatever else I can get my hands on.  I will also employ a combo of 3D terrain and 2D maps, and again Wizkids will be leaned on heavily with their 20 years worth of awesome modern and sci-fi maps. And now they do them in 2' x 2', which I find ideal for my 3.5' x 3.5' dining room table.  But what about the other stuff? Especially vehicles. I decided I would go with counters, or figure flats if you will, for vehicles. I began searching around for modern vehicle counters, and some awesome folks on pointed me to the Villains & Vigilantes line of superhero RPG supplements. They often contain amazing vehicle figure flats. Check out the thread here . It has great links to so...

Alien Re-Invasion

Today I want to share a few more phenomenal SuperFigs STLs from ace sculptor, Eric.  I want to stress again that we're not ready to release anything yet. These are just previews, and subject to change, but I do love them and I think they're both winners for sure.  Invasion  was the first supplement for SuperSystem 1E, and it featured lots of aliens. Designed by the great Thomas Scioli, they had a Jack Kirby vibe that sculptors Andy Cooper and Bob Naismith really captured using the traditional production methods of the time.  Now some 23 years later, Eric has begun to reimagine these amazing characters. Today I am showing off Phaedra and a Warsloth warrior, both members of the Alien Host.   My bad folks! Eric reminded me that our Chunky Monkey depicted below is actually NOT a new SuperFig design, and you buy him here ! In my defense, Eric has been sending me lots of cool test prints, some SuperFigs and some just other cool stuff he is doing, so who can blame me f...