The True Story of Savage Sword
No, not the B&W Conan magazine from the 1970s and 1980s. I do love that series, but that's a topic for another day. Today I want to talk about my buddy Stu's character that he just made for my Villain Mission Force campaign I will be starting on March 15. Yes, VMF isn't just a skirmish game. You can run it as an RPG as well. It does require a bit of tweaking from the GM to do this, but not much, really. Anyway, Stu and his sister, Mel, both made their PCs via a Zoom meeting with me over the weekend. One of the things I love about VMF is that you can make your villain PC using random dice rolls applied to tables throughout Chapter 2. Stu rolled up a Brawler, and when it came time to generate his name, he went random as well. Here's a shot of the page from VMF: So Stu rolled a pair of 3s, generating the name "Savage Sword"--you have to love that alliteration! For an Origin Stu rolled "Disgraced Industrialist," and Stu came up with the idea tha...