Bring On The Bad Gals

 As I ramp up my preparation for my upcoming Villain Mission Force skirmish RPG campaign, I have made a few concrete decisions about how I want to set things up. Here are some musing in no particular order: 

  • Emergent Campaign Design. I've decided to do a series of micro session zeroes with my players. These will be conducted over the next three weeks either in person or via email / text. Each player will decide on their character origin, powers, name, etc. through a combination of selection and the D66 tables included in the upcoming VMF rules. 
  • Read and React. Once I have my PC group, I will build up the elements of the campaign around them. I am not going in with any hard and fast details. I have ideas. Inspirations. But I want to see what my players, and the generative tables in VMF provide us. 
  • Structure. Each session will be a mix of miniature skirmish and RPG play, and each session will effectively feature two set-piece battles, each one representing an Issue of our Series. So we'll knock out two Issues per session, and mix in some role-play and world building. That means that by the VMF rules, each session will end in a Tier increase. PCs begin at zero and escalate to six. That's six total sessions of gaming. Tidy timing I hope, but VMF is also built to hedge your bets. 
  • The Annual. At the end of session 6 PCs will have achieved Tier 6. If things aren't wrapped up, story wise, I can run another session that puts a cap-stone on the Series, AND provides the PCs a chance to enjoy their final power-ups from making Tier 6. 
  • More Model Options. I have a massive collection of re-based Heroclix to use for this campaign, along with a smaller collection of bespoke superhuman models. Since all of the PCs in this campaign will be bespoke in nature, I need to add to my collection of "unique" characters untethered to Marvel or DC IP. So I will be using less recognizable 'Clix, and in some cases, repainting them. 
  • Circe and Lady Shiva. So today I have two repaints to show off. Both of these lovely ladies will become PC options. There are so many amazing figures from 'Clix's 20+ year history, and many are not immediately recognizable to non-comic nerds. Repaint them, and you remove them even further from their origins.  

I flipped Circe's original colors. 

For Lady Shiva I added some GW decals for effect. 

So there you have it! A planning and progress report hot off of my virtual desk. I am looking forward to sharing reports from each session of this campaign. It's going to be a blast. 

Thanks for reading! 



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