First Post, Test Post!

This is the first post of the Four Color Studios blog. Check our web site for a complete list of products and where you can acquire them is here.  

My goal with this site is to create a one-stop shop for announcements around projects I am working on, or sessions of my games I am running. I am also intending to cover hobby projects related to my games, including painting, terrain building, and products (minis, terrain, paints, etc.) I have bought or intend to buy for the hobby. 

I may occasionally also cover comic books on this site as well. We'll see! 

I will start things off with the covers to my next game, Villain Mission Force, due out in late February or early March 2025!


  1. Looking forward to more content for your 2d6 system line! Also grateful you're still keeping us co-op and solo folks in mind. 2d6 seems to be a nice fit thematically for low-level supers -- do you think it will hold up for bronze/silver era supers?

    1. I think it's pretty robust and will scale up Ok. Not to the degree of SSG, but I still think you can do a lot. I intend to run it this spring as a full-on RPG at my home table. I will surely blog about that too!

  2. Yes! Awesome! Much as I like Jay Piscopo's style, Rich's art suit comic book style better.

    1. Both are great artists, but Rich channels the 1980s better than anyone I have worked with.

  3. Yes, yes, added to favorites already. :)


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