A Massive Project

 During the pandemic I amassed a gigantic collection of Heroclix miniatures--Marvel, DC, Indie, Horror, etc. 

I ripped them off of their proprietary bases and rebased them using the following method: 

Simple and effective, if a bit uninspired. It's basically resin sand, paint, and drybrush. Hundreds of figures in my collection are based this way. 

When I started the VMF project, I found a small pack of Litko clear acrylic bases laying around from an abandoned project. I took some 'Clix I hadn't rebased yet, and I glued them on. I really liked it. For modern minis, and maybe even sci-fi, I think this is the way to go. For me anyway. 

So I had to ask myself the hard question: do I rebase my entire collection? After delaying, I decided the answer was yes. So I placed a larger order with Litko, and had the means to begin within a week. They really are great. Buy stuff from them! 

And so it indeed has begun! 

Mostly heroes in this first batch. Villains are on the way!

Thanks for reading!



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